Synopsis: The American
Ernie Pyle was the most famous war correspondent of World War II. Pyle
as nobody knew how to communicate the value, the fear, the hardships and joys of the soldier. Although he could interview a general, Pyle always felt a special admiration for the foot soldiers - "the guys without whom you can not win wars" - who regarded him as one of yours.
His article first appeared in four hundred newspapers and weeklies, enjoying a special social echo. When in 1944 he wrote from Italy to the ground troops deserved a more decent pay, Congress was forced to increase pay, in a decision to be known as the "Law Ernie Pyle." Pulitzer Prize winner, Time magazine proclaimed him as "the war correspondent most widely read in America."
This volume is a selection of articles published by Pyle in 1943 and 1944, in which vividly narrates exciting every day of the American soldier in the battlefields of Europe.
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