Hi, in these days of intense cold, which more or less, we griposos and with cough and mucus, for that, there is a home remedy, you may already know it, but for which no, take note, we need:
- an onion
a glass jar
Cut the onion into slices, and cover it with honey, approximately in 2 hours and then let rest, add the lemon juice.
Then, simply strain it, and the juice of all this mix is \u200b\u200bwhat we will, spoon three times a day, and you will see the result is a wonderful expectorant, which will help to clear mucus and therefore , I relieve the cough.
This remedy, which is nothing magical, but the benefits that nature gives us, and from ancient times, very remote, remedies home is always good to pass from one to another generation.
I hope that this remedy is your pleasure, as always,
Luck and Be Happy.
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